
Why make Gre­en movies and tv productions

Emis­sions, sustai­na­bi­li­ty, and cli­ma­te are una­voi­dab­le topi­cs today in most indu­stri­es. Film and TV pro­ductions are no excep­tions. We alre­a­dy have clear­ly defi­ned gui­de­li­nes on how to pro­du­ce film and TV in Den­mark with a focus on reduction of emissions.

It is not yet man­da­tory, but it’s only a mat­ter of time befo­re it will affect the film and TV indu­s­try. And the­re’s actu­al­ly money to be saved in being more ‘gre­en’. We would love to help you with that.

We have many years of expe­ri­en­ce in pro­ducing ‘gre­en’ film

In a clo­se coo­pe­ra­tion with BFTP​.DK and Gre­en Pro­du­cers Club, we have deve­l­oped gui­de­li­nes for the pro­duction and have tested them in real life situ­a­tions in our own pro­ductions over the last 5 years.

We have pro­du­ced and deve­l­oped film of best pra­cti­ce in Den­mark and knows exa­ct­ly whe­re to start and how to meet all sustai­na­bi­li­ty requi­re­ments, based on the indu­s­try’s “sustai­na­bi­li­ty hand­book” https://​www​.bftp​.dk/​h​a​n​d​b​o​gen. We would very much like to help you get­ting star­ted with pro­ducing with a mini­mum of emis­sions, which is good for the cli­ma­te, ethi­cs and economy.

What does it take to make a gre­en film

In order for us to be able to con­vert your pro­duction into a gre­en film or TV pro­duction, we would like to be invol­ved alre­a­dy in the ear­ly pre-pro­duction. For film pro­ductions, we would like to be invol­ved alre­a­dy in the appli­ca­tion phase.

The­re are some thin­gs that have to be adju­sted in the bud­get pri­o­ri­tiza­tion. And then each film- and TV depart­ment has to have a wor­ks­hop, whe­re we go through a seri­es of sustai­nab­le mea­su­res that you have to imple­ment in your next film- and TV production.

The­se are not ele­ments that radi­cal­ly chan­ge the pro­duction form or con­tent, but it does requi­re that all fun­ctions from run­ner to director are awa­re of their resour­ce consumption.

During the actu­al pro­duction and post-pro­duction, we offer to have a cli­ma­te con­sul­tant atta­ched. One who takes care of the pra­cti­ca­li­ties until your film crew can take over the­se fun­ctions them­sel­ves. After the pro­duction is finis­hed, we will help you to finish up the cli­ma­te report, to get the over­view and data of the pro­ductions total use of emissions.


If you want a cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, we can also help you. You can beco­me ‘Gre­en Film’ cer­ti­fied if you achie­ve the neces­sary points, which are calcu­la­ted using the BFT­P’s sustai­na­bi­li­ty plan.

Gre­en Film is an inter­na­tio­nal cer­ti­fi­ca­tion sche­me deve­l­oped by the Tren­ti­no Film Com­mis­sion in Ita­ly and is cur­rent­ly used by many Euro­pe­an film funds. In col­la­bo­ra­tion with you, we are respon­sib­le for data col­lection and docu­men­ta­tion. We cre­a­te the cli­ma­te report using the Gre­en Pro­du­cers Tool and Bureau Veri­tas as a third par­ty audi­tor, who veri­fies all col­lected data and ensu­res the final certification.

It might sound a bit circum­stan­ti­al? That’s why we’re here to help you get started.

What does a CO2-redu­ced film pro­duction cost?

The pri­ce for our work obvious­ly depends a lot on the size of the pro­duction and your skills in gre­en pro­duction methods.

The pri­ce will be somewhe­re betwe­en DKK 50,000 and 200,000 for the first pro­duction, whe­re the­re is a lot of work with trai­ning the film crew. On futu­re pro­ductions, inter­nal fun­ctions will be trai­ned to take over our work, which will lower the costs.

The­re will also be a per­ma­nent saving on e.g. food and water on your pro­ductions, which will cover some costs for the con­sul­ting services.

How do we get star­ted with sustai­nab­le film and TV production

The best pla­ce to start is, of cour­se, to have a face-to-face mee­ting. Whe­re we can talk about what your needs are and whe­re we can explain in a litt­le more detail how the pro­cess for a sustai­nab­le film and TV pro­duction can be designed.

You can reach us on email: ege@producedby.dk / tlf.: +45 3133 2150 or email: annika@producedby.dk / tlf.: +45 4074 9305 We’re look­ing forward to hear from you!